Improving The Hospital Patient Experience

Senior Solo Capstone Project

Improving The Hospital Patient Experience

Senior Solo Capstone Project

About The Project

Designing a novel hospital patient experience device, with the goal of improving nurse-patient interaction and keeping patients satisfied.

Limitations & Reflection

Limitations & Reflection

Limitations & Reflection


  • Insufficient access to hospital space, leading to assumptions regarding the users and space that can not be tested

  • Large design space with lots of data and moving parts. Limited time and resources (team of one).

  • Hospitals use a variety of technologies from various ecosystems, for this project I had to assume that a hospital used the Centrella Ecosystem in its desired use case.

  • Giving users more information access can be hypothesized to increase call light activation.

  • This project is not fully completed, more logistical aspects must be thought about in order to make this product feasible. A second software must be designed in order for staff to manage the Experience Pod Plus systems.

  • If more time was given for this project, I would create a scenario based wizard of oz testing to assess if this product improves my found design opportunities.


I dove into this user-centered project with a more direct approach, meaning that I would try to solve a direct problem: Redesign the call light environment to improve the experience for both patients and nurses. I quickly learned that this is a very heavy task to complete as a team of one during a one semester college class. I was unfamiliar with my problem space at the start of this project, leading to the project being very broad as I had a lot to learn.

I learned that the call light may not be the actual problem leading to upset stakeholders. I uncovered that solely improving a patient's hospital experience may work better toward creating a better nurse-patient interaction and call light environment. This enabled me to practice a change in scope and challenged my assumptions. Being a team of one attempting to tackle such a broad problem, I learned more in this project than any of my previous projects.

If I could talk to myself at the begining of this project, I would have said to be prepared to think holistically in the hospital environment and not stress about creating something that will improve the experience for everyone.

Designed Within The Hilrom Centrella Ecosystem

Designed Within The Hilrom Centrella Ecosystem

Designed Within The Hilrom Centrella Ecosystem

The Experience Pod (current)

The Experience Pod Plus (new)

The new Hilrom Centrella Experience Pod will use a similar design to the original, leveraging the flip mechanism to reveal the TV remote. The main difference with the Experience Pod Plus is the addition of a digital interface on the pod. The new pod is outfitted with audio speakers and microphone for communication with staff.

There is also a new "do not disturb" button located on the pod. This button will illuminate the dome light above the patients door to "purple" which signifies to passing staff to shut the patients door, and only bother the patient if needed.

All buttons on the Experience Pod Plus are tactile and easier to press, excluding the digital interface.

Hover over interface for rational

Patient Quote

Staff Quote

Status "Homepage" Midfi

Opportunities Addressed

  • How might we make patients more independent?

  • How might we prevent call light exhaustion?

    Call light activation requests:

    • "When is my next therapy session?"

    • "What time is my therapy?"

    • "Am I ready to leave?"

    • "When is my next pain med dose?"

  • How might we ease patient anxiety?

    • "I get anxious of my health state."

  • How might we limit staff interruption exhaustion?

    Update Patient Pain Levels

    Out of date Medical Board

Old vs New Flow

Patient Needs Info -> Reads Whiteboard (hasn't been updated)

Patient Needs Info -> Activates Call Light and Waits

Patient Needs Info -> Looks at Experience Pod Plus

Notifications MidFi

Opportunities Addressed

  • How might we ease patient anxiety?

    • "Is a nurse coming?"

  • How might we ensure the patient that they have been heard?

Old vs New Flow

Patient wonders if nurse is coming -> Is unsure

Patient Wonders if Nurse is coming -> Checks notifications

Pain Level Update MidFi

Opportunities Addressed

  • How might we increase Patient Independence

  • How might we automate some staff tasks?

Old vs New Flow

Nurse must assess Patient pain levels -> Visits Patient

Nurse must assess Patient pain levels -> Reads Experience Pod Plus

Entertainment HiFi

Opportunities Addressed

  • How might we entertain patients?

    "I would love to watch a movie."

    "I feel like I am in jail."

    "I like to keep the door open to watch people walk by."

    "Patients seem to abuse the call light when they are bored."

Old vs New Flow

Patient is bored -> Watches cable TV

Patient is bored -> Looks out window/door

Patient is bored -> Bothers staff

Patient is bored -> Accesses a variety of modern entertainment options

Call Light Options HiFi

Opportunities Addressed

  • How might we make the call light more accessible?

    Currently within the Hilrom Centrella Experience, patients must talk to the staff via the staff console to explain call light requests. What if the patient can not talk?

    Requests communicated to staff via text to speech through staff console.

Old vs New Flow

Patient needs staff -> Patient can not talk to staff -> Patient needs unmet

Patient needs staff -> Patient can not talk to staff -> Enters input on Experience Pod Plus

Bonus Features

Bonus Features

Bonus Features

Meal Order HiFi

Opportunities Addressed

  • How might we increase Patient Independence

  • How might we automate some staff tasks?

Old vs New Flow

Nurse must gather meal order -> Visits Patient -> Collects meal order -> Looses meal order -> Revisits patient

Nurse must gather meal order -> Sends message to Experience Pod Plus

Doctor Video Call

Opportunities Addressed

  • How might we automate some staff tasks?

Old vs New Flow

Doctor Wants a meeting with patient -> Visits Patient

Doctor Wants a meeting with patient -> Staff brings patient IPad

Doctor Wants a meeting with patient -> Calls patient via the Experience Pod Plus

The Ecosystem

The Ecosystem

The Ecosystem

The Current Hilrom Centrella Ecosystem

The Current Hilrom Centrella Ecosystem

The Journey

The Journey

The Journey

How Did I get Here?

How Did I get Here?

The Value

The Value

The Value

Hypothesized Value *untested*

Why would hospitals want to invest in this device?

  • Decreases call light activation, giving more time to nurses and other hospital staff

    • By giving access to information that the patient would previously need staff for

  • Increases Hospital Patient Independence

    • By giving the patient up to date information regarding their hospital status

  • Increases Patient Hospital Stay Satisfaction to boost NHCS survey results, granting public funding

    • Patient satisfaction is increased by the access to modern entertainment, reduced patient boredom

    • Information regarding their hospital stay to increase transparency

  • Increased Hospital Staff Communication

    • Staff can see care team of a patient via the device

    • Staff can monitor a patients pain levels and recovery over a wider range of time

  • Enhanced Accessibility

    • "Write in" option for call light